For there are two rules to keep at the ready - that there is nothing good or bad outside my own reasoned choice, and that we shouldn't try to lead events but to follow them. EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 3.10.18 기억해야할 규칙이 두 가지가 있다. 1 내가 이성적으로 선택하는 것 외에는 좋거나 나쁘지 않다. 2 사건을 주도하려 하지말고 따르려고 노력해야 한다.
Today I escaped from the crush of circumstances, or better put, I threw them out, for the crush wasn't from outside me but in my own assumptions. MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 9.13 오늘의 나는 환경의 압박에서 벗어났다고 말할 수도 있고, 오히려 그것들을 내가 버렸다고 할 수 있습니다. 그것은 외부에서 오는 압박이 아니라 내가 가진 가정(생각, 추측)에서 오는 압박이었기 때문입니다.
You are not your body and hairstyle, but your capacity for choosing well. If your choices are beautiful, so too will you be. EPICTETUS, DISZOURSES, 3.1.39b-40a 당신의 몸과 헤어스타일이 너 자신이 아니라, 잘 선택하는 능력입니다. 당신의 선택이 아름답다면, 당신 또한 아름답게 될 것입니다. 우리가 어떤 직업을 가지고, 어떤 차를 타고, 얼마만큼의 부를 소유했는지가 중요한 것이 아니고, 그것을 위해 어떤 노력과 행동을 했고, 어떤 선택들의 결과물 인지 파악하는 것이 훨씬 중요합니다.
Hold sacred your capacity for understanding. For in it is all, that our ruling principle won't allow anything to enter that is either inconsistent with nature or with the constitution of a logical creature. It's what demands due diligence, care for others, and obedience to God. MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 3.9 당신의 이해 능력을 거룩하게 여기세요. 왜냐하면, 사실 우리의 지배 원칙이 자연의 법칙이나 논리적 생명체의 특성과 어긋나는 것을 받아들이지 않습니다. 그..
Were you to live three thousand years, or even a countless multiple of that, keep in mind that no one ever loses a life other than the one they are living, and no one ever lives a life other than the one they are losing. The longest and the shortest life, then, amount to the same, for the present moment lasts the same for all and is all anyone possesses. No one can lose either the past or the fu..
Whenever you find yourself blaming providence, turn it around in your mind and you will see that what has happened is in keeping with reason. EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 3.17.1 섭리를 원망하는 자신을 발견할 때 마다 마음속으로 그것을 반대로 돌려보면 발생한 일이 이치에 맞는다는 것을 알게 될 것입니다.
Whenever someone has done wrong by you, immediately consider what notion of good or evil they had in doing it. For when you see that, you'll feel compassion, instead of astonishment or rage. For you may yourself have the same notions of good and evil, or similar ones, in which case you'll make as allowance for what they've done. But if you no longer hold the same notions, you'll be more readily ..