I may wish to be free from torture, but if the time comes for me to endure it, I'll wish to bear it courageously with bravery and honor. Wouldn't I prefer not to fall into war? But if war does befall me, I'll wish to carry nobly to wounds, starvation, and other necessities of war. Neither am I so crazy as to desire illness, but if I must suffer illness, I'll wish to do nothing rash or dishonorab..
Whenever you find yourself blaming providence, turn it around in your mind and you will see that what has happened is in keeping with reason. EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 3.17.1 섭리를 원망하는 자신을 발견할 때 마다 마음속으로 그것을 반대로 돌려보면 발생한 일이 이치에 맞는다는 것을 알게 될 것입니다.
The unrestricted person, who has in hand what they will in all events, is free. But anyone who can be restricted. coerced, or pushed into something against what they will is a slave. EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 4.1.128b-129a 제약이 업는 사람, 즉 모든 상황에서 자기가 원하는 것을 가진 사람은 자유로운 사람이다. 하지만 속박받거나 강요당하거나 또는 자신의 의지에 반하는 일을 강요당하는 경우 그 사람은 노예이다. 성공한 많은 사람들이 자기가 이루어 놓은 곳에 갇혀 있는 경우가 많습니다. 이것이 진정 그들이 원했던 삶인지, 생각해 보아야 합니다.
We can remove most sins if we have a witness standing by as we are about to go wrong. The soul should have someone it can respect, by whose example it can make its inner sanctum more inviolable. Happy is the person who can improve others, not only when present, but even when in their thoughts. SENECA, MORAL LETTERS, 11.9 *Cato : 로마 시대의 유명한 철학자이자 군인. 절제된 삶과 도덕적인 행동으로 유명했다. 여기에서는 도덕적인 조언을 주는 지혜로운 ..
Above all, keep a close watch on this - that you are never so tied to your former acquaintances and friends that you are pulled down to their level. If you don't, you'll be ruined... You must choose whether to be loved by these friends and remain the same person, or to become a better person at the cost of those friends.. if you try to have it both ways you will neither make progress nor keep wh..
"So, concerning the things we pursue, and for which we vigorously exert ourselves, we owe this consideration. either there is northing useful in them, or most aren't useful. Some of them are superfluous, while others aren't worth that much. But we don't discern this and see them as free, when they cost us dearly." Seneca, Moral Letters 42.6 "우리가 추구하고 힘껏 노력하는 일에 대해서 생각해 보아야 합니다. 그것들 중에 유용한 것은 없거나..