It isn't events themselves that disturb people, but only their judgments about them. EPICTETUS, ENCHIRIDION, 5 사람들을 괴롭히는 것은 사건이 아니라 그에 대한 사람들의 판단입니다. "perceiving eye" vs "observing eye" observing eye : sees what is perceiving eye : sees what things supposedly means.
From the very beginning, make it your practice to say to every harsh impression, 'you are an impression and not at all what you appear to be.' Next, examine and test it by the rules you posses, the first and greatest of which is this - whether it belongs to the things in our control or not in our control, and if the latter, be prepared to respond, 'It is nothing to me.' EPICTETUS, ENCHIRIDION, 1..
When it comes to money, where we feel our clear interest, we have an entire art where the tester uses many means to discover the worth. just as we give great attention to judging things that might steer us badly. But when it comes to our own ruling principle, we yawn and doze off, accepting any appearance that flashes by without counting the cost EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 1.20.8; 11 우리가 이득이 있다고 느끼는..
There are two things that must be rooted out in human beings - arrogant opinion and mistrust. Arrogant opinion expects that there is nothing further needed, and mistrust assumes that under the torrent of circumstance there can be no happiness. EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 3.14.8 인간에게서 뿌리를 뽑아야 할 두 가지는 오만과 불신이다. 오만은 더 이상 필요한 것이 없다고 생각하고, 불신은 폭풍 같은 상황에서 행복할 수 없다고 결론 내려버린다.
When you first rise in the morning tell yourself. I will encounter busybodies, ingrates, egomaniacs, liars, the jealous and cranks. They are all stricken with these afflictions because they don't know the difference between good and evil. Because I have understood the beauty of good and the ugliness of evil, I know that these wrong-doers are still akin to me... and that none can do me harm, or i..
First off, don't let the force of impression carry you away. Say to it, "hold up a bit and let me see who you are and where you are from - let me put you to the test" EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.18.24 우선, 감정의 힘에 끌려가지 말아요! 이렇게 말하세요. "잠깐! 넌 누구며 어디서 왔는지 보여줘. 나는 너를 테스트해 해야겠어"
Make sure you're not made 'Emperor', avoid that imperial stain. It can happen to you, so keep yourself simple, good, pure, saintly, plain, a friend of justice, god-fearing, gracious, affectionate, and strong for your proper work. Fight to remain the person that philosophy wished to make you. Revere the gods, and look after each other. Life is short - the fruit of this life is a good character an..